
Malus spp are an abundant species, prevalent in Europe and Asia, with a few species native to North America. A cascade of blossoms fill the trees every spring, which turn into an abundant crop in the fall. Most crabapples are very tart and high in pectin, making them excellent for jam.

  • These small, heavily flowered trees provide food for pollinators in the spring and nesting habitat for robins and other birds.

    In the fall, crabapples are eaten by squirrels and deer. The Golden Raindrops crabapple variety produces tiny yellow fruit that turn orange and red when ripe, and are eaten by cardinals, jays, robins, cedar waxwings, juncos, and many others.

  • Apples in general are associated with longevity, good health, love and luck. Crabapples, specifically, create an atmosphere of beauty, abundance and good fortune.

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