the gather collection

Created to honor the resourcefulness of our ancestors, the gather collection features unique, small-batch goods made from plant waste. Plant stems, which are separated from the leaves when processing dried herbs become perfume. Partially spent dye baths become ink. Crushed herbs that fall from incense bundles are collected and blended into loose incense.

I also gather items from thrift stores: spools of cotton crochet thread, doilies, sometimes even shoes. I breathe new life into these items, so they can be used and loved, far away from a landfill. Our ancestors were resourceful because they had to be - with the rise of consumerism, we’ve forgotten that we have to be, too.


Hallowed Incense

burn as an offering to the ancestors, or for cleansing, processing grief, grounding, and protection.

made with: herbs fallen from the incense bundles, “To Our Beloved Dead,” (pictured left), and organic cinnamon essential oil. Contains dalmatian sage, cinnamon basil, pericón, and cempasúchil, and may contain white sagebrush.

Waning Moon Incense

burn for purification, release, and connecting to the waning moon cycle

made with: herbs fallen from incense bundles. Contains white sagebrush, russian sage, and echinacea petals.