the color journal

myth / sun


myth / mars

myth / mercury

myth / moon

Colors: Myth can achieve yellowy orange shades of peach, coral, and sandy pink

Notes: lightfastness is not determined, but Mercury and Mars modifiers tend to produce longer lasting color

Ecology: Golden Raindrops Crabapple comes alive in the spring, audible with the buzzing of pollinators. The bark provides a winter snack for rabbits and squirrels, and I’ve witnessed over 20 species of birds feasting on the miniature crabapples, including cedar waxwings, jays, house finches, robins, and cardinals.

Magic: Crabapples symbolize health, love, beauty, abundance, longevity, and immortality.

made with crabapple leaves

002 - myth watercolor ink

The color swatches above illustrate Myth on its own, and with different modifiers painted on top. Swatches, in order: unmodified, sun, moon, mercury, mars.

Tutorial coming soon.