White Sagebrush
Artemisia ludoviciana, also known as Prairie Sage, Silver Wormwood and Owyhee, is a beautiful, silvery-white perennial found in prairies and grasslands all over the state. It was used extensively by Native Americans in medicine and ceremony.
White Sagebrush has an intense aroma when burned, somewhat similar to white sage. The essential oil, commonly known as Owyhee, has a fruity, medicinal, herbaceous fragrance.
The dense roots of prairie sage help reduce soil erosion. Since it can grow in very poor soils, it helps discourage invasive plants from thriving.
Interestingly, I could find a lot of information for wildlife use in the West (animals including pronghorns, mule deer and grouse engage with this plant) - but nothing much for Minnesota.
White Sagebrush creates an atmosphere of clarity, health and protection.
incense coming soon